Saturday, April 05, 2003

Proud mommy time again. :-) I don't know if you recall my blogging about the districtwide choir that Brittany tried out for last fall, well, today is (finally) the day of the performance. She had to be at their final practice at 8:30am and she just got home about half an hour ago. We went shopping last night and found her a new dress. She is so excited. They had a long day of practice but she said it was fun. She said at one point the director asked her assistant if any of the voices were standing out the the first person she mentioned was the "girl in the black shirt" and pointed at Brittany. I am so proud of her. The actual performance is at 7:00 tonight and we still have to stop on the way and get her new shoes. So I'd better get going. :-) Oh, I almost forgot, I scanned in the newsletter article about the festival, I emailed it to my dad so please feel free to read it. Have a great night, I know I will. :-)

Thursday, April 03, 2003

John actually didn't have to work tonight so we went out to eat and then picked up a few groceries and rented a few movies. The plan was to come home and veg out on the couch but he ended up falling asleep so I am here checking email and stuff. Today was very cold. For some reason I had it in my head that there was a girl scout meeting after school so I rushed out of work because of course as usual I was running late only to find that the parking lot was a skating rink and my van was coated with ice. It had started to rain which in turn froze because it was so cold. I just love driving on roads covered in freezing rain! I knew it would be slick so I avoided the interstate and took the back roads because people around here always drive like maniacs in crappy weather. I was about 3 miles from the school when my gas tank went to zero and I was in the middle of nowhere with of course no cell phone. I drove with my fingers crossed the whole way hoping I wouldn't run out of gas and have to walk the rest of the way into town (there is a gas station across the street from the girls' school). Thankfully I made it to the gas station on fumes and a prayer and filled up my tank. I then went to the school to find it empty except for the secretary who told me that there wasn't a girl scout meeting today.

So I went to my mom's house and did payroll instead. My stepfather had a limo run and about 10 minutes after he left he called to tell me to drive home very carefully because he had slid the limo into a ditch. Fortunately, there was no one else in the car! Can you imagine?! I would have totally freaked out which is the main reason why I refuse to drive until it is summer! He was fine and the limo was fine, so he drove out of the ditch and continued on his run.

Well, I guess I should drag my husband to bed and read for a bit. Have a great night. :-)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

After work today I went grocery shopping because there was absolutely nothing to eat in this house. On the way to the store I noticed my wallet of pictures laying on the dash. I had this weird thought that I should take it off of there because there are certain people that I don't want to advertise my vehicle too and they would definitely recognize my kids. I tried to shrug off my freaky paranoid feelings but I removed my pictures all the same. As I zipped into the parking lot of the grocery store (well I guess you can't really zip in a mini van but you get the picture) I just about ran over Eddie (my ex and Anthony's biological dad) and some girl. I completely froze. Thankfully he didn't see me and I actually backed up and went to the end of the parking lot so that he wouldn't see me. I parked behind this big truck and watched as they got into their car. I was actually shaking and it was so weird because I remembered my prior paranoid feeling before I even saw him.

I have no contact with him and for the most part don't even think about him. I refuse to collect child support from him because honestly, John is Anthony's dad and I don't want any connection to Eddie. When Anthony was a baby he would visit but when he realized that we were never getting back together he just drifted away and has never made an attempt to be a part of Anthony's life. He sometimes runs into my family but he never even asks for Anthony. From what I have been told he knows that John is raising him (Anthony) and he considers John to be his dad, which is how it should be because Eddie has never really attempted to be a dad. Anyway, I don't know why I got so shook up over seeing him but I did. I must have sat in the car for at least 10 minutes after they left before I could drag myself into the grocery store.

What freaks me out is that I always have a feeling that I am going to see him and sure enough I do. Last summer I was on my way to pick up my wedding dress when I had this weird feeling that he was close by. I was driving by a construction site and so I just figured that I had that feeling due to association, not necessarily because he was around. But on my way back from the store I drove right by that same place and I had to stop for a red light. As I glanced over to the construction site there he was.

Once I was at work and I actually felt him there before he even walked in. When I felt that weird feeling I looked up and I saw the side of his face as he entered the building. I ran into the back office and stood there until he left. I didn't want him to know where I worked because although I know he has moved on with his life I still have a fear that he will bother me again. I learned the hard way with him that restraining orders don't work.

Anyway, I always feel weird when I see him, I think it is partly fear because things were pretty nasty between us towards the end and he did a very good job of scaring me and also guilt because I have this wonderful little boy because of him and he will never know what he is missing out on.

Thankfully, by the time I finished with my shopping I felt like myself again and was able to come home and make dinner. John is working late at the limo shop so I guess I am going to go to bed and read. I watched part of American Idol but I can never seem to watch TV without being interrupted a million times so there is really no point.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Long boring day at work today. I am still feeling sick so it was all pretty blah. Hopefully this cough will go away soon, I am so sick of being sick but it's not bad enough to go to a doctor cause pretty much they wouldn't be able to do anything anyway. Brittany is telling me a very long boring story about school. I am trying to listen because I know that before I know it she will quit telling me about her day but damn her stories are LONG! She has been talking for at least 20 minutes straight telling me about a fight with one of her friends. I can't even get a thought in edgewise will all of her chattering. So I guess I'll end this post for now and give her my undivided attention so that she can finish up soon (I hope). If she doesn't stop soon I think I'll tell her to do some chores, that should get her to disappear pretty quick. hehe

I really do try to listen to her stories about school but if you have ever heard any of Brittany's stories (or if you have a Brittany of your own) I'm sure you can understand. She can go on, and on, and on.............well now that I think about it, I have had some pretty long posts here so I guess I know where she gets it from. lol

Well I see that blogger is having template issues. Thankfully that would explain all of my headaches last night, I was starting to think that I was offline way too long and had forgotten everything! That's ok, I have to go to work anyway and if it is still down tonight maybe that means that I will actually get some laundry done!

Bill (stepdad) stopped by yesterday, he had to pick up some stuff but he also showed us pictures of him and Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby had a show at a casino not far from here and Bill picked him up at the airport and drove him there. He (Cosby) had two comedy shows and prior to that he did a special show for children. The casino is on a reservation and there are some serious educational issues there. Education is a serious issue for him so I guess he gave a wonderful talk to the children there, hopefully he was able to reach some of them. Bill (stepdad not Cosby) said that Mr. Cosby was very nice. The kids were excited to see the picture of their grandpa with Bill Cosby, Danielle especially was very excited, she watches the Cosby Show on Nick every day. Well, I'd better get my ass to work. One of these days I might actually have to get there on time! ROFL

okay, I actually had my layout, but could I leave it alone? Of course not, so here I am back to square one. I wish I knew if it was blogger doing this weird shit or if it is just something stupid on my end........I really, really have to go to bed so if you see some weird ass layout you know is NOT what I intended, I promise! ROFL

Monday, March 31, 2003

sorry, I lied, I'm still trying to get this damn thing to work.......but this really is the last time........if it doesn't work I'm going to bed! I just wish I knew what the hell was wrong?!

Okay, I REALLY mean it this time! lol I am so tired, I have to go to bed, I don't know what is wrong, this stupid thing is taking my code and replacing it with one of it's own. I am too tired to mess with it but tomorrow I'll go over my layout to see if there is something wrong with it that would explain this. Have a good night and I'll see ya tomorrow, hopefully with my own layout! :-P

Okay, here goes with the new layout, hopefully I didn't mess it up too bad......
.....that was scary, let's try it again......(keeping fingers crossed)........
what the hell??........

okay, this is really starting to piss me off......sorry if you happened to witness the mess as I try to update things here....
still not working, I am either getting too tired or something is really wrong with my layout because this is NOT what this is supposed to look like. So if it doesn't work now I am just going to forget it, go to bed and try again tomorrow. :-P
I should be at work right now but I can't seem to get my ass moving. Yesterday I woke up with a cough and today I feel like total shit. I did spend yesterday working on a new layout but as you can see I haven't uploaded it yet. Hopefully I will have time to do that tonight. Yesterday was one of those lazy Sundays where you look back on Monday morning and wish you would have got more done. I still have laundry to do and my computer area looks like a disaster hit. Between empty coffee mugs and photo albums from where Brittany scanned in baby pics for her autiobiography, not to mention just the typical mess that usually seems to find its way here I can barely find my keyboard! My computer is in the basement of our new home and as the basement is supposed to be the kids playroom there are unpacked boxes of toys, books, and pretty much everything else we didn't know what to do with. Hopefully we will get this organized soon because it is driving me insane.

Do any of you wear contact lenses? Have you ever went to put your contacts into your eyes and open the case to find them empty? If you have, did you wrack your brain trying to remember if you took them out the night before. Maybe you close one eye and then another trying to see if things look blurry because your eyes are tired from wearing contacts all night or is it because you really just can't see. You might stand inches away from the mirror peering into it, trying to see if you can see a contact lens, maybe you push your finger into your eye to see if they might have stuck to your eye ball. You will probably squint into your contact case again, maybe you just over looked them, are they stuck to the top of the lids? As you rule out first one scenario and then another you notice stuck to the side of the sink a dried up remain of your contact lens. It suddenly hits you that you left the case within reach of a four year old. Pretty stupid of you isn't it..........or maybe it's just me.


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