Thursday, October 17, 2002

OMG, Guess what we woke up to this morning?! SNOW!! I couldn't believe it so I of course had to go outside and take pictures. We usually have snow by Halloween, but this is really early. I wonder if this is any indication as to what kind of winter we are going to have here in Fargo, North Dakota? The pictures below were taken in our backyard, you can click for a larger image. It is so gray and gloomy outside and the kids had to pull out their winter hats and mittens before they headed to school. I still have my patio furniture outside! I guess I'm gonna have to get it into the garage tonight. Well, I need to go get myself some coffee and I think I'm gonna bake a cake, there's something about the first snow that makes me want to bake! Have a great day and I hope it is warm and cozy where you are. :-)

::50 Questions Survey Added Today at 11:15am::
Survey swiped from Liz

1. Your name spelled backwards. Asil

2. Where were your parents born? Pueblo, Colorado

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Accounting software used for doing payroll for the limo company.

4. What's your favorite restaurant? Buffalo Wild Wings....their Blazin' wings are soooo yummy and very, very hot!

5. Last time you swam in a pool? John and I swam at our hotel pool on our honeymoon this summer.

6. Have you ever been in a school play? No

7. How many kids do you want? If I could afford it I would have six but as it is I think I'll stick with the three I have and maybe one more.

8. Type of music you dislike most? Country

9. Are you registered to vote? No, in North Dakota you do not have to be registered to vote

10. Do you have cable? No, my kids would watch too much tv if we had it.

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? No

12. Ever prank call anybody? I hate to admit it but yeah we used to do it quite a bit. Stupid stuff which never would have worked if we would of had caller ID back then! lol

13. Ever get a parking ticket? Yes, once at college for parking in the wrong lot.

14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Never have and never would, I'm too chicken.

15. Furthest place you ever traveled. Alaska

16. Do you have a garden? No, I have tried but I am just not any good at it.

17. What's your favorite comic strip? I don't read comics.

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yes and if I didn't know it before I would now for sure as Brittany spent quite a bit of time practicing it for music class

19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower, morning

20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Sweet Home Alabama

21. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni and mushroom

22. Chips or popcorn? Popcorn

23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? Revlon's "Lavender Smoke" or "Ultraviolet", I never ever wear red.

24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Huh?

25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No, although I did put Brittany in a baby one once. She won 2nd place overall and 1st place for her dimples.

26. Orange Juice or apple? Apple

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? I went out to dinner with my mom, we ate at Friday's

28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Dove dark chocolate

29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? The last presidential election

30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? About a month ago, my mom was given a huge box from a friend, they were so yummy!

31. Have you ever won a trophy? No although I won quite a few journalism awards and competitions in high school

32. Are you a good cook? Absolutely not!

33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Uhhh...yeah

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? No, although my kids have bugged me for quite a few things they have seen.

35. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Yeah, I worked at a truck stop and we had to wear these weird black vests and then when I became the bookkeeper I had to wear these white shirts while I worked in a truck shop. It made no sense because they got so dirty but they had a laundry service so at least I didn't have to wash them.

37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? Wax for Brittany's braces.

38. Ever throw up in public? No, although in junior high a friend of mine threw up all over my books and purse. It was quite gross and I made him clean out my purse and I got new books.

39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Can't a girl have both? lol

40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes

41. Ever call a 1-900 number? No

42. Can ex's be friends? Yes, I think Jorge and I are better friends now than we were before.

43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My father-in-law

44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? Not really although as a toddler I had a ton of curly hair.

45. What message is on your answering machine? A generic message that came with the machine, I haven't figured out how to program the darn thing.

46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Mango

47. What was the name of your first pet? Mary Anne a cocker spaniel mix

48. What is in your purse? Makeup, drivers license, credit cards, a pen, about $50 in cash, tons of change, way too many receipts, bandaids, a tampon, cough drops, Certs Powerful Mints and vitamin C drops.

49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Read a book and share a bowl of popcorn with my sweetie

50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? A warm cozy house on our first snowy day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

She got in! Woohoo! :-) Whew...what a relief. I was prepared to deal with another night of tears. In case you are completely confused right now I am referring to my post from yesterday. Brittany is of course very excited and happy that not only did she get in but her best friend did too. I am happy for her and the other four girls who were picked but I feel bad for the girls who didn't get in because it just sucks when your child is disappointed.

I guess her music teacher talked to her today to find out why she was so upset yesterday. Brittany explained that she didn't do her best and that "K" had made a sarcastic comment about how she had did. Brittany did tell her teacher that maybe she had taken it wrong but that it had made her feel bad. Her teacher confided in her that other girls had complained about "K" making rude, sarcastic comments so I think that made Britt feel a little better.

And yes, "K" did get in too so it should be interesting to see how it goes with her and Brittany having to work together so much. Most of the other girls in school fight over being friends with this girl, Brittany is the only girl in her class who doesn't care that they are not friends. Last year "K" bragged and bragged that she was going to get a particular solo and when Brittany got it instead she threw a big fit to the teacher that it wasn't fair, she also went out of her way to make Brittany feel bad. No matter where you go there is a little brat like that and I'm thankful that it isn't my kid but it still bothers me that Brittany has to deal with her. Of course it will only get worse as she gets older so she (Brittany) might as well learn how to deal with it now.

Well, that drama is over. Not much else going on. I did a few more minor changes today to that webpage project which is still not live. Danielle stood home from school sick today and John has been working late just about every night in the limo shop. Yesterday Anthony and I went to Brittany's school for a baby shower for all of the sugar babies. We played games and had juice and cookies. It was fun to see all of the other babies. The boys had the funniest babies but did good at holding them as they were eating etc. Well, I've got to get running, have a great night and if I haven't visited you recently I will be by very soon! ~hugs~

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Brittany came home in tears today. After school they had music try outs so that their music teacher could pick the 5 best 6th graders to be in a district wide choir at the end of the year. Britt has been looking forward to this for years and last year her teacher pretty much made it sound like Brittany would get in no problem. So Britt has had it in her head that she would get in and wasn't overly worried about it. Unfortunately, she got my cold and her throat is scratchy, on top of that she didn't practice much and when it came time to try out she didn't do very good. On top of that a girl who has always been upset that Brittany usually gets the solos made a big deal about Brittany not doing too good. Britt is pretty sure that she won't get in and my heart broke watching her cry.

We did have a long talk about how we don't always get what we want and that as she gets older she has to be prepared to sometimes be disappointed. We both agreed that she shouldn't ask to try out again because she would just seem like a spoiled brat but she is going to have a talk with her music teacher first thing in the morning and tell her that she was sorry that she didn't do her best due to being sick. Brittany is feeling like she let her music teacher down so she wanted to tell her that she was sorry if she did.

I so much want to call her teacher and tell her that Brittany was sick but I can't. My baby is growing up and needs to handle it on her own. But damn it, I don't want her to grow up! I want to be able to protect her from being hurt and make everything better. What scares me the most is that this is only the beginning! I think she did learn a lesson here, she realizes that she should never be so overly confident that she doesn't put in the effort that she needs to do to do her best. So tomorrow she will go to school and hopefully will be able to handle the disappointment with a brave face with her head up high because next time she will only do better.

With that said.......please keep your fingers crossed that she gets in! lol I know, I have prepared her for the worst but damn it I want her to get in! I'll let you know how it goes. :-)

Monday, October 14, 2002

What a busy weekend! We had way too much to do and so much that we still didn't get around to doing. I think I finally finished with that webpage project, they had a few more changes. I am going to be so happy when it is all done! The kiddies just left for school and Anthony is still sleeping so this means I just might get 5 minutes of peace and quiet! Woohoo! lol

Brittany is a "mommy" this week. They are doing "Sugar Babies" as a class project. The project goes along with this book that they are reading. We had to make her a "baby" out of a bag of sugar. We tried to find doll parts to add to the bag at the craft store but they didn't have anything that would work so we ended up buying a doll at Target and taking it apart. We duct-taped the hell out of it to make it stay together.

When we were all done she dressed it up real cute and wrapped it up in Anthony's old baby blanket. She has to carry it around and "care" for it for the entire week. She has to take it to school and every where else we might go in the evening, if she wants a break she has to pay someone to babysit.

On Friday the class had to randomly pick what they were going to have. Brittany had a baby boy, she named him Zachary. Two of the boys in her class had twins! That means they have to carry around two babies. Tomorrow they are having a "baby shower" for her class. Parents are invited to go, I wonder if I need to bring gifts? ROFL It should be a fun project although Brittany is so absentminded at times. I hope she doesn't lose my "grandson"! hehe


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