Thursday, October 03, 2002

I still feel like crap but am thankfully getting better. I hate being sick! So far no one else has been sick so that is good. Thank you to all of you who sent get well wishes and virtual chicken noodle soup! :-) Today the weather is cold and dreary. We have had rain off and on all day. The weather hasn't kept the kids inside though, they are all out there riding bikes.

We had girl scouts today. One of the girls is moving and this was her last meeting so we had a small going away party for her. I had a call from Brittany's teacher yesterday. Brittany got her very first white slip yesterday. That is a disciplinary slip which means she is in trouble. She got the slip because she has missed turning in 3 separate assignments. What makes me mad is that out of the three, two were done and she just forgot to turn them in. She daydreams way too much and just forgot. She was very upset by the whole thing and cried for about an hour when she got home. She is grounded from going bike riding with her friends after school for a while and also has detention tomorrow for 20 minutes. Hopefully this will make her realize that she needs to be more responsible because there is no one else to blame but herself.

I still haven't had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. :-( I think I might have forgotten to mention that it was their grand opening on Tuesday. People don't normally stand around all day waiting for doughnuts! lol John tried to get us some last night but the lines were still way too long so I guess we'll have to wait awhile. I did get a "care package" from my sweetie since I have been so sick. I got an adorable, cuddly teddy, a cute teddy card, a book, throat drops and a huge bag of M&M's. Isn't he sweet? :-) I didn't even have to share my M&M's! lol

I guess they pushed back the opening date of that website. I'm not sure why, I got the graphics done so something else must be wrong on their end. I haven't really heard. I'll let you know as soon as it goes online. My email was down for two days on the 1st and 2nd. I couldn't receive or send anything and I couldn't FTP anything either. Thankfully they were able to fix it, they sent me an explanation as to what was wrong but it made absolutely no sense. I'm just glad they were able to fix it! Well, I guess I should get going. I have to go check on my kiddies and make sure it hasn't started raining again. Have a great night!

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

I am so sick. I feel like complete crap. My throat hurts, my head is pounding and every muscle in my body aches. I spent most of the day in bed wishing I could die. Because the girls didn't have school today they were able to keep Anthony busy playing outside which was a big help. I did go see "Sweet Home Alabama" with my sister yesterday, I really liked it. It was very cute and funny.

Not much else going on, we watched the Broncos lose tonight and if I wasn't so sick I might just be in line with the rest of the crazy people camping out to be the first to buy a Krispy Kreme doughnut tomorrow morning at 5am! Either these doughnuts must be really damn good or we need more entertainment here in Fargo, North Dakota! ROFL We tried to talk my sisters boyfriend into camping out to be the first person in line so that he could win a year supply of doughnuts but he didn't go for it. I'm sure tomorrow will be a zoo there so I think I'll wait awhile before I try my first one.

Well, it's late and I really feel lousy so I'm heading to bed. *nite*


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