Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Brittany on the night of the Choral Festival

The concert went really well. They all did a great job. Brittany had a speaking part where she introduced one of the songs with an opening by the composer. It was beautiful and very touching. I had several of the mom's say that she brought tears to their eyes. She has such a dramatic voice. I of course didn't cry, I am always way too nervous when she is on stage to even think about crying! After the concert we went out to eat and then came home and watched movies.

On Sunday we took the kids to the circus. We had fun although Anthony ate way too much junk food. Let's see, he conned my sister into buying him cotton candy, before I realized it he had ate the whole thing! Then he had two snow cones (his and John's), a hot dog, popcorn, and a chocolate bar. I think he probably would have been fine except for after the circus we went to visit John's dad and Anthony kept sneaking cookies. Because no one else pigged out as much as he did, we were all hungry by the time we got home so we ordered pizza. Anthony didn't eat anything and instead went to bed. About an hour after he went to bed he puked everywhere! I felt so bad, I didn't really realize how much he had ate until after he got sick! Bad mommy! :-P It's a good thing that the circus only comes once a year!

On Monday my cold finally caught up to me and there was no way I could go to work. I am still coughing and my body was so exhausted I couldn't get out of bed. I slept just about all day until John and the kids came home. I went to work today but still felt out of sorts. Well, I have laundry to finish, homework to check and a little monster who needs a bath. 'Nite

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