Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Well, so much for my boring day. I talked to my mom shortly after I posted last and was told that a limo ad for the Bridal Fantasy's newest publication needs to be finished by tomorrow morning. Of course, nobody thought to tell ME about it, even though I am the person who does the ads! So I have been scrambling for pictures and such but just can't seem to come up with anything I really like. It has to be weddingish and to be honest I must have wedding burnout because I just can't get in the mood! lol So I will probably be at it all night although I think I might go sit outside and listen to the loud, rumbling, boom of the Pyrotechnic Convention taking place not too far from here. I had forgotten it was coming to town. Their shows are beyond awesome. I have to drive tomorrow night and the night after is Jessica's 21st bday party so hopefully we will be able to go to the show on Friday night. Watching from the front porch just isn't the same.

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