Wednesday, August 07, 2002

I finished my ad last night. It's not one of my best ones, but considering I had less than 24hours notice I guess it's not too bad. Today I have just been trying to get some laundry done, seeing as how I won't be home tonight. I am driving a group to the casino and won't be home until 3am and early tomorrow morning I have an all day run driving a bunch of people up to Otter Tail to go tubing. At least I don't have to wear the tux tomorrow because it is supposed to be really, really hot.

I got a letter from Danielle today. They went to the beach over the weekend. She isn't a real beach person, she is afraid of the waves, but she said it was fun. I am so anxious for them to come home, only five more days left! I still haven't bought any school supplies. Hopefully I will have time on Friday.

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