Sunday, June 02, 2002

I just want to say that I am making this post against my free will! Marshall is making me post this because he thinks all I do is make him look bad on this he really needs my help! hehe Anyway.........he wants me to make it clear that yes, he did only make a shopping list with two items on it (see my earlier post today), but I went into town and spent a few hours shopping, and I forgot one of the items. And no, I didn't forget the toilet paper! ROFLMAO

And since I am here making myself look bad, I felt like a complete idiot today! My mom and I went into town to get some stuff for the yard and we took Anthony with. He was hungry so we stopped at McDonalds to get him something to eat and my mom set his drink on the dash. I made a sharp turn and it of course spilled and spattered on my windshield. I of course say "shit" as I am trying to stay in my lane and keep the pop from running into the vents. And from the backseat Anthony yells, "Mom! Don't say that word!" Can you believe that?! I felt like an idiot, but it was funny so I apologized to him but was laughing at the same time. And my mom is of course laughing, when Anthony yells again, "It's not funny! Don't say that word!" How sad is that?! lol

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