Tuesday, November 12, 2002

We got our keys to the new place yesterday. The kids made friends right away and I met our closest neighbor on the left side of us. She came out to introduce herself as we were carrying in boxes. I really liked her and I had already heard from Nathan's wife that she was really nice. She is a single mom with three boys. I am looking forward to getting to know her better.

Anthony told me yesterday that he is NOT going to move! He is going to stay right here by himself. Of course when I pointed out that there would be no one to feed him because his daddy would come with me he agreed to move with us but of course he is only doing ME a favor! ROFL

There is still so much to do so I have to get going, I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I haven't had much time to visit but hopefully later this week I will have done enough so that I don't feel so guilty sitting here. I did want to say thank you to Annette for her adorable blog award. :-) And of course thank you to all of you who keep visiting even though I haven't had much time to return the favor. I hope you all are doing well. I'd better get going, have a great day! ~hugs~

Thank you Annette!

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