Last night the kids and I enjoyed the Holiday Lights parade in Fargo, it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be although we did start freezing towards the end. I had told Britt & Danielle that we were going to the parade and would pick them up right after drama practice but being teenagers they didn't think to dress appropriately and Britt was actually wearing capris & high heels! If we would have had time to go home and change we would have went but we were already running late. I did think to bring them hats/gloves and there were blankets so that did help. We had a great spot on Broadway right in front of Juanos Mexican restaurant. Of course I forgot to bring bags for candy which had Caitlyn freaking out, she finally took a hat from her sister and used that to collect candy and when that got too full we dumped it in my purse. I know the kids love getting candy but I sometimes wish that they didn't throw candy so that they would just sit and enjoy watching the floats go by instead of jumping around snatching at tootsie rolls that no one really eats anyway.
Towards the end of the parade Caitlyn started complaining about being cold and the girls said there feet were frozen so we went to Juanos to eat, we had a great dinner (including a yummy margarita for me) and were still able to watch the end of the parade.
I realized last night that I have most of my Christmas shopping done which means that I will have more time to take the kids to holiday events like last night. I think it will be fun do the sorts of things that I always wanted to do but have never really made time for. John was always so tired when he got home from work that I never would have wanted to drag him to a parade and it wouldn't have felt right to go without him so we didn't do a lot of stuff like that but I know he would be happy to see the kids enjoying the holiday season doing things as a family. Not to mention that I am hoping that by keeping busy we won't have too much time sitting at home being sad.

The kids waiting for the parade to start
One of the many beautiful floats in the Holiday Light parade
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