Last night was fun but I drank way too much and have a headache and queasy stomach to prove it. I only slept a few hours because I had to get the girls ready for school and although I probably should have taken a nap I don't dare with Anthony running loose!
Tomorrow is our little town's "Community Day". It is an all day event starting with a pancake breakfast at the community center followed by a parade which goes right in front of our house and then all day events for the kids with games, pony rides, pedal tractor pull races, and an airplane drop where prize certificates are dropped out of a plane in a large field and the kids get to chase after them and try to get a prize. There is also a family softball game and in the evening there will be a dinner at the community center followed by a street dance. Everyone is really excited, the dance will be fun and hopefully John's sisters will be able to make it out.
Not much planned for Sunday, I am going to go see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with my mom and that is about it. I will probably spend the rest of the day moving furniture around. I am going on a television strike, or should I say I am forcing my family to go on a strike. I am so sick of the kids watching too much TV and making a mess in the living room with popcorn and snacks, I am tired of the TV always being on during dinner and so yesterday I pulled the plug. I am going to move the entertainment center into mine and John's room this way I can better monitor TV use and so that John can still watch the news at night.
The kids are grounded from TV use for the next month. Their punishment for not doing their chores and for too much fighting. They can earn TV time by doing chores after that month is over. Anthony is already driving me nuts wanting to watch movies but so far no one has had any serious side effects! ROFL I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Hopefully my house will stay clean, my kids will be healthier from all of the fresh air they are sure to get now that they will be playing outside more, and we will have more quality time together as a family. I am also setting up a study area in one corner of a large hallway that is pretty much wasted space. I want a small table there with a floor length table cloth and compartments underneath where arts/crafts, puzzles, games can be stored. I want a place to be able to play a game or do a puzzle and not have it on our dining room table. It will also be close to my computer which means I can have some computer time while still monitoring the girls homework.
Since my living room will no longer have an entertainment center I want to set up a little music alcove in it's place with the piano and a comfy place for Britt to practice her saxophone. I'm sure my family will have a few complaints but I really think that after a month or two they will realize how much more stuff we will do when the darn TV is silent. Wish me luck :-) lol
Before I forget I want to thank Jana for her lovely blog award. It is my very first one. :-) I will find a home for it very soon.

Also thanks to Kay for our adorable blog buddies, I will also be finding a special home for them as soon as I have a second to hear myself think! :-) Your friendship has really brightened my days! Thanks so much for always listening and making me smile.

Ack, this was supposed to be short but obviously I don't know when to shut up! lol Also, I am really behind on email and adoptions, I had a virus which I have gotten rid of but I haven't wanted to email until I was sure it was gone so hopefully I will also find time this weekend to get caught up! Well, since I've already made this post longer than I wanted, here's my Friday Five.
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?
Being lied to. It would take too long to explain but mostly it has to do with a person in my childhood who never kept promises. I hate when someone says they are going to do something and they don't do it. This issue can bring me to tears even when it seems like not a big deal. I am always as honest as I can be, sometimes to a fault, which makes me expect others to do the same. If someone lies to me once I pretty much never believe them again.
2. What irritating habits do you have?
Who me? None! ROFL Actually I am late all of the time, I never shut the cupboard doors in the kitchen, when I am working or reading I tend to tune out anyone who should happen to want to talk to me, I procrastinate, I'm sure if you ask John he can list more but those are the worst I think.
3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be?
I have tried to work on being late but I just can't seem to be on time. As for the others I don't really worry about them, I mean everyone has to have a few bad habits right? lol
4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why?
People who pick their nose and kids who do the same and eat it. Just thinking about it makes me sick.
5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do?
Burping. I never burp, I think it is so disgusting. John laughs at me because it grosses me out so much. Him and the kids sometimes have burping contests just to drive me nuts.