16 years ago
Saturday, November 11, 2000
Brittany made her very first cake today. She read the directions all by herself and all I did was take it out of the oven for her. When did she get so big? I still see her as the tiny little girl I'd pull in the wagon and take to the park and I can still see her at that same age licking the bowl when I was the one making the cake. How fast life goes by when you're not looking!
Friday, November 10, 2000
As I sit here in my Tina Turner T-shirt I must now figure out a way to rip the prior entry off the page and eat it. In my own defense, I must first say that I was only joking (well kinda). There are many of Tina's songs that I have liked but like in many things, when Marshall says one thing I automatically say the comlete opposite even if I might happen to agree with him. Why? I don't know it's just more fun around here that way. Add to that the fact that he starts drooling when he sees her pictures or hears her songs......well of course I made fun of her. What other defense do I have? Besides I did tell him that if he ever had a chance to have a one night stand with Tina he should go for it. Now, if that isn't understanding I don't know what is! haha
Now before I get myself in more trouble, because now that Marshall realizes that I write about him here I have a feeling that he'll be checking up on me. He wants to know why I talk about him here when he doesn't talk about me to the whole world. Well, this is mainly anonymous and there are probably only two people other than me who reads this page. On the other hand he tells his dad stuff about me like when I'm mad at him (Marshall). I think he does it because then I have to be nice to him because I like his dad and I don't want him to think that I abuse Marshall (even if I do on occasion). Anyway, I think I'm getting sidetracked here, so before I get in more trouble I will tell you about the concert.
The concert was awesome!! Joe Cocker was the opening act and although I didn't realize that he sang so many songs that I knew, I was awed by the intensity of his voice. He was truely incredible! As for Tina, all I can say is that she has a charisma that you could feel rushing through the entire stadium! I mean she was up there with all these beautiful, young girls in skimpy outfits and I'm not sure if anyone even noticed them! I am truely humbled by her! I am 27 and after running after three kids all day I am beat, I can't imagine getting up on a stage and being as wild and energetic as she was, much less at 60! I came home exhausted after just watching her! All I can say is that if you have the chance to see this concert.....GO!
Now before I get myself in more trouble, because now that Marshall realizes that I write about him here I have a feeling that he'll be checking up on me. He wants to know why I talk about him here when he doesn't talk about me to the whole world. Well, this is mainly anonymous and there are probably only two people other than me who reads this page. On the other hand he tells his dad stuff about me like when I'm mad at him (Marshall). I think he does it because then I have to be nice to him because I like his dad and I don't want him to think that I abuse Marshall (even if I do on occasion). Anyway, I think I'm getting sidetracked here, so before I get in more trouble I will tell you about the concert.
The concert was awesome!! Joe Cocker was the opening act and although I didn't realize that he sang so many songs that I knew, I was awed by the intensity of his voice. He was truely incredible! As for Tina, all I can say is that she has a charisma that you could feel rushing through the entire stadium! I mean she was up there with all these beautiful, young girls in skimpy outfits and I'm not sure if anyone even noticed them! I am truely humbled by her! I am 27 and after running after three kids all day I am beat, I can't imagine getting up on a stage and being as wild and energetic as she was, much less at 60! I came home exhausted after just watching her! All I can say is that if you have the chance to see this concert.....GO!
Thursday, November 09, 2000
Still no decision.....as myself and the rest of the country waits. Have you ever watched a pot of water that never seems to boil? This is a hell of a lot worse! Let's hope we can finally resolve this tonight.
Marshall is in love with another woman........well kinda :-) He has pictures of her and all her CD's, he knows and loves all her songs by heart, and he is in love with her legs. Who am I talking about? Tina Turner. Tonight we are going to her concert. I must truely love this man because only for him would I go to this concert. Give me Kid Rock or Eminem any day!! Actually, we have an agreement. If we ever have a chance to see Eminem he has to go with me. Now that is truely a funny picture. I told him I would go to the concert under one condition......we couldn't sit close enough for her to sweat on me. :-)
Actually, Marshall's dad had the funniest assessment of the whole Tina thing. His comment was "why would anyone want to go see that old bag?" After listening to myself and Marshall's sisters give Marshall shit about Tina his dad finally defended him by saying,
"Don't feel bad son, Gene Autry is old too."
Marshall responded "but Dad, Gene Autry is dead!!."
and of course Marshall's dad got the last word by saying "You mean Tina's still alive!!"
All joking aside I'm sure this will be a fun concert........just lead me to the beer. :-)
Marshall is in love with another woman........well kinda :-) He has pictures of her and all her CD's, he knows and loves all her songs by heart, and he is in love with her legs. Who am I talking about? Tina Turner. Tonight we are going to her concert. I must truely love this man because only for him would I go to this concert. Give me Kid Rock or Eminem any day!! Actually, we have an agreement. If we ever have a chance to see Eminem he has to go with me. Now that is truely a funny picture. I told him I would go to the concert under one condition......we couldn't sit close enough for her to sweat on me. :-)
Actually, Marshall's dad had the funniest assessment of the whole Tina thing. His comment was "why would anyone want to go see that old bag?" After listening to myself and Marshall's sisters give Marshall shit about Tina his dad finally defended him by saying,
"Don't feel bad son, Gene Autry is old too."
Marshall responded "but Dad, Gene Autry is dead!!."
and of course Marshall's dad got the last word by saying "You mean Tina's still alive!!"
All joking aside I'm sure this will be a fun concert........just lead me to the beer. :-)
Wednesday, November 08, 2000
I went to bad last night totally depressed!! I thought Bush had won the election and turned off the TV as they began their victory celebration. Imagine my surprise to wake up to NO DECISION!! I can't believe it. I can't imagine how nerveracking this is going to be until everything gets straightened out!! You just gotta love the democratic system. :-) Poor Brittany had to keep track of the polls for a class assignment and as you can probably imagine, her page was a mess as she first colored in Florida for Gore with redmarker, and then tried to white it out when there was no decision, only to have to color it blue when they gave it to Bush. She didn't even try to erase it this morning. She just started a new chart.
Tuesday, November 07, 2000
Polls still coming in....I only have one thing to say...well actually more than one but I will limit it to one right now...
The Electoral College Sucks!!
Thank you I feel better now. In other news:
We are finally getting snow!!! Yeah! Okay, so it's wet and not really sticky but there are flakes and I am happy. (remind me that I said this when I am cursing every single flake in January!)
Sunday, November 05, 2000
I have had many blessings since meeting Marshall. One of the blessings I am thankful for is being welcomed into his family. I have always wanted a big sister and now I have four!! Today is Rocky's birthday and I just wanted to wish her a very happy birthday! I hope you have a great day today! Thank you all for making me and my children feel so welcome in your family.

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