16 years ago
Saturday, April 21, 2001
So I wait an entire day to hear back from them and nothing. So I call and the guy on the phone seriously pissed me off. He knew about my email, he knew about the problem and still no call?! You know the reason we went with a local host in the first place is because we wanted "one-on-one" customer service. I don't usually bash companies (people maybe lol but not businesses) because from experiences gained through the limo company I know that sometimes things happen beyond your control. I have been on the recieving end of an angry customer.....it's not the best place to be believe me! So for the most part I TRY to be courteous and understanding when I have a complaint. On the other hand when I try to fix a problem and I have to deal with someone who probably doesn't know how to define the word customer service I get a little pissed off. I have to listen to him mumbling to himself as he tries to find my account (haven't you ever heard of a hold button?! sheesh) and then he proceeds to act like he knows what he is talking about when we both know he doesn't. Unfortunately there was no one else to talk to so I just informed him that I WILL be moving our site and I WILL be calling back on Monday to deal directly with the person in charge. So what is the problem? Somehow they lost our payment and nothing has been credited to our account. I of course call our bookkeeper (lol......my mom hehe) and she gives me the information as to when payments are made. So I call back and calmly tell him this and he really has no clue what to do and so of course our site is still off line! What makes me so mad is that again we are paying WAY TOO MUCH just to have a local server. Our company is one of the largest limo services in town, we have been in business for 7 years so our name is well known, and my family does lots of business with several different companies with the main company that heads up this little business. So where along the lines do they say hey, this company hasn't paid their bill we are going to just shut down their site without finding out what the problem is. HELLO?! I'm sorry, this is just not how I would run a business. I have done billing for a few different jobs and sometimes things get lost, sometimes things get over looked, you don't risk pissing off a customer/client just because it is too much work to contact them in person. I have never had to move a site before so hopefully things go smoothly.
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
Still nothing from the server......anyone who has any suggestions as to a reasonable yet dependable place to move a business site please let me know. I have no idea how long it takes to move. They had better get in touch with me by tomorrow because they do NOT want to hear from me!
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Apache/1.3.12 Server at www.fmlimo.com Port 80
Damn!! I really need to get this site
moved! It is down again........let's see how long it takes them to contact me this time!
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Apache/1.3.12 Server at www.fmlimo.com Port 80
Damn!! I really need to get this site
moved! It is down again........let's see how long it takes them to contact me this time!
Brush with Fame time: I was in a speech class at school where we had to introduce ourselves to the group and relate a story about the most famous person we had met. I was surprised to realize I had so many. Here is my strangest one. I was working in a Chinese restaurant while in high school. I wasn't a waitress, I just bussed tables. Anyway, I was totally obsessed with this person. I had her pictures all over my room, I think it was because not only was she the first model I had recognized with dark hair but she also had a mole on the side of her face just like I do. Anyway, my best friend (who also worked there) came up to me and asked me, "Isn't that the person you have pictures of all over your room?" I looked and sure enough it was her! I couldn't believe it. I mean, I was in a Chinese restaurant in Cheyenne, Wyoming for petes sake and she was sitting at a table with a small group of people eating. She didn't have any make up on and looked pretty but normal. I must have walked by her table a few times because she looked up at me and smiled and asked me to take her credit card to the front counter. I said something brilliant like, "Are you Cindy Crawford?" and she says...."That's what it says on my credit card." LOL I looked and sure enough that was her name on the card! LOL...... I was like in total awe. Then when I returned the credit card to her table she asked me if I would go outside and take a picture of her and her friends in front of the restaurant. I am telling you I was totally shocked. LOL.....she must have thought I was a complete idiot because I just nodded my head, went outside took their picture as they posed in front of the restaurant and then gave her back her camera without saying a word! Sheesh...... you would think that I would have at least asked for an autograph! hehe So that is one of my "brushes with fame." More to come... :-)
I had the coolest dream last night...... I was back at my childhood home and I was in the livingroom looking down the hallway... I walked down the hallway and went outside through the back door. I was in the middle of this beautiful garden (that was never there) and I went swimming in this beautiful pond. It was so relaxing..... I did not want to wake up!
Thanks for the invite! Although going through the member list I am starting to feel old! lol.......on well I guess it's young at heart that matters. Although I might have to ask for a translation on some of the posts! haha..... I don't get out enough. :-) I am so glad that we have been able to keep in touch. The work you are doing with Big Baer is just awesome!! I am so impressed. One of these days Marshall and I are gonna have to get to Chicago. :-) You know what you need though? You seriously need a blog! This way I can keep up with what you're doing! Hehe...... I know..... as if you don't have enough to do! Talk to you later and thanks again!
Tuesday, April 17, 2001
All emails regarding the previous post can be directed HERE.......but if they are full of evil and hate I will direct them immediately HERE. By sending your hate mail to my email box at the above address or any other address owned by me you give me the sole permission to publish it word for word including your name and email address on this page or any other page published by me for all to see.........so think twice unless you want everyone to know exactly what kind of language you use in the "name of God."
Thank you have a nice day.....
God Bless You and
Brightest Blessings.
Thank you have a nice day.....
God Bless You and
Brightest Blessings.
I think we bought a house....... I think but I don't want to say "Yes we bought a house" until all of the paperwork is signed. I'll keep ya posted. :-) I am so ready for a change.....not just in real life but on the internet as well. People here are so quick to judge and jump to conclusions without knowing the whole story. Just to set the record straight..... I have NEVER been offended by Christian graphics/scriptures etc. I was uncomfortable with belonging to a group that excluded people based on their religion so I left the group. It is their right to have those guidelines (even if they weren't added until AFTER I joined) just as it is my right to leave because I don't agree with their stand. End of subject? I wish. Let's just say that certain people have twisted my position around enough to call me Satan! lol I'm sorry if I am such a threat to their "faith" but there was no reason to shut down and blame it on me. I left quietly.......I didn't even tell anyone other than the person who needed to remove me......I have ignored hate mail from "God fearing Christian women"........ what the hell do you want from me? Leave me the hell alone.......if anyone is full of hatred it is you. Get over it......quit being so dramatic. Reopen your site like we all know you will and move on. I know I'm not going anywhere so if you think that using false identities to threaten me and my friends is going to get anywhere you have another thing coming. Once again for the record let me state: I do not hate Christians, I have nothing against Christian sites, I have nothing against Christian webrings. I choose to keep my faith private, I choose to not preach to others on my site, I choose to belong to webrings that don't discriminate based on race, sexual preference or religion. I respect your right to choose how you represent yourself and your webpage......all I ask is that you respect my choice to do the same.
Monday, April 16, 2001
Sunday, April 15, 2001
I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Easter!!! I hope you all enjoy a wonderful day filled with family, friends, peace, love and lots of yummy treats. :-) ~Hugs, Lisa
Graphics by Countryside Heaven

Graphics by Countryside Heaven
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