Tonight we are going to a school carnival and silent auction at the kids school. They always have good stuff at the auction. I'll let you know if I get anything good. :-) Have a great weekend!!
16 years ago
Rants and raves by a recently remarried widowed mom of three four.
Tonight we are going to a school carnival and silent auction at the kids school. They always have good stuff at the auction. I'll let you know if I get anything good. :-) Have a great weekend!!
Oh, I had this phone call from my dad on Monday night. It went something like this...
~Dad~ How have you been? How are the kids? (Etc...)
~me~ Fine, good, getting big, (Etc...)
~Dad~ Oh, by the way, I went to Reno this weekend and Michelle (long term girlfriend) and I got married.
~me~ .........
LOL.......I'm very happy for my Dad but sheesh, he could have warned me!!