Thursday, May 01, 2003

I think I've mentioned (a few times lol) that my brother is on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Tonight the President of the US will land on his ship. Each department was able to vote for a person that they wanted to represent their department. The person that they picked would be able to eat dinner with the President. My mom got a call from my brother yesterday. He was chosen to be able to eat with the President. I can't even tell you how excited I am for him. Yes, eating with the President is a big deal, but I think even more than that is the fact that all these people that work in his department liked and respected him enough to choose him for that honor. I am so proud of him! :-)

Danille was concerned that the President wouldn't like the "ship food." She felt that it would have been nicer to take him to a restaurant! ROFL My mom explained to her that they probably flew in some special food for the President to have a nice meal but Danielle wasn't all that convinced. :-)

Today is May Day. The kids made May Day baskets filled with candy and stickers. Anthony delivered them to all of the neighbors. It was so cute to see him running to each door, leaving the candy and running back as fast as his legs would carry him. He was a little pissed that he didn't get a basket. He wanted to keep the last basket but I told him that he had to give it to grandma. He announced that grandma would have to share with him. Like he really needs any more candy after Easter! I don't think I told you about his falling asleep last week with a chocolate bunny in his hand. He was on the couch watching tv and just fell asleep. We didn't notice at first and when we did his entire face was covered with chocolate. It was so funny and of course there was no camera to be found!

Tonight the girls have their last concert of the school year. The concerts are always great, their music teacher really puts a lot of time into them. This year is the school's 25th anniversary so it should be really good. We will all finally get to hear the "school song" that Brittany helped to write. The only thing I feel bad about is that the President's speech will start while we are at the concert so we will probably miss most of it. I have no idea how to get my VCR to record. I am good at figuring out so many things but for some reason recording something is beyond me! Well, I've got to get to work. I might even be close to being on time today! lol

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Have you ever found yourself leaning against your washing machine during the spin cycle? Not for the overly used, so called "excitement" that is the punch line of way too many lame jokes but because you are so tired you can barely stand up and you just want the damn thing to stop spinning so that you can finally put your last load of laundry into the dryer and go to bed!! I think that pretty much sums up my day.

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