16 years ago
Saturday, November 04, 2000
I am so excited!! I can't believe it! My aunt Missy who I grew up with (we are only a year apart) just found me on AOL. I haven't heard from her for much too long. We were so close, she has always been a sister to me, and every time I would think of her I would wish I knew how to get in touch with her and now I know!! Losing touch with family is one of the worst things you can do! I can't wait for her to send me pictures of my little cousin Olivia!! When you have someone in your life who means that much to you no matter how much time goes by your hearts will always be connected! Thank you so much Missy for getting in touch!

Friday, November 03, 2000
"Honey, you really should go out with your friends tonight."
"I want to go but only if you go with me."
"I really just want to stay home tonight but you should go and have fun."
"No, if you don't go I'll stay home too."
"But I'm just gonna be finishing work on my page and I have a ton of laundry to do, so you might as well just go!"
"I'm just gonna stay home."
Sheesh.......sometimes I could just pull out my hair!! We've had this conversation too many times!! I really like going out with Nick and Chris but I am just not in the mood to get dressed, find a sitter, and sit in a bar and drink all night. But I know Marshall feels like going out to celebrate "Broom Day" (more on this in a bit). He should go out, he should have fun, he should get a break away from here before he gets sick of me. So why can't I get him to go unless I go??? We are not attached at the hip, at least we weren't last time I checked! Now I sound like I'm mad at him, I'm not mad I'm just frustrated. His friends are going to think that I'm not letting him go out and then they are gonna stop inviting him. You know how it goes, guy get's married/engaged - guy loses friends. I don't want to see that happen and I don't want his friends to think I'm a bitch but what can I do?
Broom Day. What is it? Well "The Broom" is what we call Marshall's ex girlfriend. Broom because she is a self proclaimed witch (she associates herself as a Wiccan but most Wiccan's I know want nothing to do with her) but mostly because she is such a bitch. Anyway, when she found out Marshall was dating me (they were already broken up at that point) she went into this psychotic rage. She set fire to his apartment, vandalized his truck, spread nasty hate mail about both of us, and she claimed to have put a spell on him that would have him dead on November 1, 2000 unless he were to break up with me and get back together with her. You can imagine what a hard choice that was:
A raving psycho or Lisa who is for the most part sane even if she does on occasion talk to herself
So after that tough dilema he decided not to get back together with her and ever since we have been "anxiously" awaiting November 1st when her evil spell would go into work and my sweetheard would fall dead leaving me for all eternity. Imagine our surprise when November 1st came and went and he is still alive. Or else he will be until I shoot him for not going out tonight!
"I want to go but only if you go with me."
"I really just want to stay home tonight but you should go and have fun."
"No, if you don't go I'll stay home too."
"But I'm just gonna be finishing work on my page and I have a ton of laundry to do, so you might as well just go!"
"I'm just gonna stay home."
Sheesh.......sometimes I could just pull out my hair!! We've had this conversation too many times!! I really like going out with Nick and Chris but I am just not in the mood to get dressed, find a sitter, and sit in a bar and drink all night. But I know Marshall feels like going out to celebrate "Broom Day" (more on this in a bit). He should go out, he should have fun, he should get a break away from here before he gets sick of me. So why can't I get him to go unless I go??? We are not attached at the hip, at least we weren't last time I checked! Now I sound like I'm mad at him, I'm not mad I'm just frustrated. His friends are going to think that I'm not letting him go out and then they are gonna stop inviting him. You know how it goes, guy get's married/engaged - guy loses friends. I don't want to see that happen and I don't want his friends to think I'm a bitch but what can I do?
Broom Day. What is it? Well "The Broom" is what we call Marshall's ex girlfriend. Broom because she is a self proclaimed witch (she associates herself as a Wiccan but most Wiccan's I know want nothing to do with her) but mostly because she is such a bitch. Anyway, when she found out Marshall was dating me (they were already broken up at that point) she went into this psychotic rage. She set fire to his apartment, vandalized his truck, spread nasty hate mail about both of us, and she claimed to have put a spell on him that would have him dead on November 1, 2000 unless he were to break up with me and get back together with her. You can imagine what a hard choice that was:
A raving psycho or Lisa who is for the most part sane even if she does on occasion talk to herself
So after that tough dilema he decided not to get back together with her and ever since we have been "anxiously" awaiting November 1st when her evil spell would go into work and my sweetheard would fall dead leaving me for all eternity. Imagine our surprise when November 1st came and went and he is still alive. Or else he will be until I shoot him for not going out tonight!
Thursday, November 02, 2000
I just got a letter from my brother Gilbert!!! He is in the middle of Navy "boot camp" at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois. I miss him so much. Reading his letter made me cry. He is such a good kid and a wonderful brother. He seems to be doing well, just a little homesick. It's hard to believe how fast time goes by. I can still remember him picking his nose when he was a little kid and trying to wipe it on me. I also have a younger sister who has decided she no longer wants anything to do with her family. It's too bad she doesn't realize how much she is missing out on. All families get on each other's nerves and at some time or another we all wish (hope) that we were adopted but when it comes right down to it family is the most important thing that we've got. Maybe being the oldest gives me a different perspective but I can't imagine ignoring my entire family. Hopefully she'll soon realize that petty differences mean nothing in the long scheme of things, and when she does we will all be right her for her. After all isn't that what families are for?
I have been at this thing for so long I have no concept of time! Thanks to Marshall the kids are all fed and in bed. Once I get all of the main pages of this site up it won't be so time consuming. Before I forget Marshall's Page is now up. Don't worry honey, once I finish my pages I'll make a page just for you that's more your style. You know with biker babes and stuff on it. :-)
Thanks for saying hello Chauffeur Chad. Although when I answered your message I thought it was like 3am. I am really losing track of time!
Well, I have one more thing to finish and then it's off to bed I go to snuggle next to my sweetheart. That is if he's not too mad at me for ignoring him all night.
Thanks for saying hello Chauffeur Chad. Although when I answered your message I thought it was like 3am. I am really losing track of time!
Well, I have one more thing to finish and then it's off to bed I go to snuggle next to my sweetheart. That is if he's not too mad at me for ignoring him all night.
Wednesday, November 01, 2000
Okay...here we go. I hate to be left out of anything so I decided it was time to start blogging. This will be where I can keep you posted on updates on my page as well as just give me a place to vent. Right now my webpage is in a shambles as I try to update and create quickly. Like my house right now it is a mess, the nice thing about having a home on the web though is that once I get it cleaned up I don't have to worry about the kids destroying it. Unless of course Anthony comes along and turns the computer off before I hit "save". He has such good timing!
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