Saturday, August 11, 2001

Hope you all are enjoying a wonderful weekend. My sister and I are taking the girls to see this movie today. They are very excited. Not much else going on. We stayed home last night and ate popcorn and watched movies. Nothing really exciting but yet, one of my favorite things to do. I baked cookies last night from this "cookie-in-a-jar" mix that I bought at an auction at the kids school. They came out not so good. The kids of course liked them and Marshall ate them, but they were really gross. I think I'll stick to my own recipes, there's nothing like baking your own cookies from scratch!

Our new kitty is doing good. She sure eats a lot. I am afraid to overfeed her so I have been feeding her a little at a time several times a day. She is so cute, she is so fluffy, just a little round puff of black fur. Still no name, we really should come up with one soon because right now we are all calling her "baby". I would hate for that name to stick! lol

Friday, August 10, 2001

We have a new kitty! Marshall came home the other day and told me about some kittens that had been found at work in a car. There was no mother in sight and the poor kittens almost got crushed when they were crushing cars. Thank goodness someone heard the meowing! So far three have been adopted, we took one yesterday and there is one more left to find a home for. We got the only black one, the rest were gray. She (I think it's a she) is so adorable, but so tiny we have to feed her with a bottle we bought just for her with some special "kitty milk formula".'s like having a baby all over again! She even woke me up for a feeding at 6am! Our other cat (Mittens) isn't too sure what to think of her. I think she is more scared than anything because anytime the baby goes near her poor Mittens jumps clear across the room. I am watching them closely because I am so scared that Mittens will hurt the baby. Marshall says they will be fine together but I told him that if Mittens hurts the baby I will never talk to him again.

The kids are of course excited but the kitten has really sharp claws so they don't try to pick her up which is a good thing because she is just too tiny. She is sleeping in a basket next to me right now, curled up in a little ball, she looks like a rolled up pair of socks! We still don't have a name for her yet. Any suggestions?

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Good grief!! Why is that whenever I drive with my mom she drives me out of my mind?? She acts like I have no clue how to drive and bitches about how fast I drive, the way I turn, if she doesn't think I looked in the mirror properly. AAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I was so ready to see her finally get on her damn plane. I know I am going to miss her but for that moment I was just relieved to see her go! I swear, from the moment I pulled out of the driveway she was complaining. She said, "Do you want me to drive?" and I said "No, I just want you to be quiet about MY driving." I drive so much better than her, she is the definition of road rage. She is constantly yelling at someone, cutting people off, she is a scary driver. So the whole way into town she is bitching about my driving, I was going 5 miles over the speed limit and she freaked about how fast I was going. Hello......who just got a speeding ticket last week?? It sure as hell wasn't me going 65 in a 45mph zone! And then when we had to stop and pick up Danielle from summer school I got out of the car and came out and she was on the drivers side. She said she had to move the car because it was in someone's way but of course she didn't get out so I could drive. I would much rather she drove then to have to listen to her complain so I didn't say anything. So guess what she does?

She pulls out of the school parking lot, cuts off a car coming towards her and turns so sharp that the console tips over knocking her entire glass of ice water into my shoes!!!!! But of course I am the one who does not know how to drive. And then we had to make a left hand turn onto a busy street. It had two turning lanes, we were on the outside lane. She makes the turn into the inside lane, not even looking if there was someone beside her. Fortunately there was no one beside us otherwise she would have crunched someone's car. Sheesh! I swear, when she turns 55 I am going to take away her drivers license and she better not bitch about my driving otherwise I will make her keep her ass at home!! Of course I can say all this stuff about her now because she is Maine! ROFLMAO
Yesterday the play was so cute! We really enjoyed it and even Anthony sat still! He was so good that we have decided to take him to see Shrek. We took the girls when it first came out but left him with my mom because he is usually not very good in movies and then one of us ends up sitting in the lobby with him playing video games. So I am hoping that he will sit through the entire and watch it without driving me insane because I am looking forward to seeing Shrek again. It is such a cute movie.

I have to get running shortly. I have to take my mom to the airport today. She is leaving to visit her friend Penny in Maine. Before she leaves we are going to pick up Maria from work and have lunch together. We are going here, I just love their soup.

We are supposed to go to the lakes this weekend, but I think Marshall has to work on Sat. Maybe we will just drive up there and spend the day on Sunday. The girls have really wanted to go. Hopefully the weather won't be so damn hot. Still not done with school shopping. Why do I always wait till the last minute?!

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

Oh I almost forgot, I DID get my candles yesterday! The package was sitting in the entry way of our house and I didn't even know it was there. Danielle found it for me. They are so yummy! They kids thought that the grubby loaf was really cool because I didn't have a candle tin big enough so I put it in a bread loaf pan to burn it. They said it looked like a birthday cake.
I am so, so sorry to hear about your bad morning. It always seems to happen that way. One thing goes wrong and it sets off a chain reaction! I hope the crying and the nap helps you feel better. I know it usually works for me. :-) That sucks about your ticket. I remember when I lived in California with my ex, it was right before Christmas and I was about 7 months pregnant with Brittany. We parked on the side of grocery store in front of a shopping center and ran inside for five minutes because I was craving ice cream. We got the ice cream and when we went back outside we had a ticket! It was then that we saw the handicap sign posted not on a sign where they usually are but with a small sign hanging on the building in front of us. The damn stall wasn't even painted as a handicap parking. I don't remember how much our ticket was but I do remember that it took all of our Christmas shopping money to pay it. Ever since then I have been completely paranoid about handicap parking spaces. I won't even park next to one just to be on the safe side. lol I hope you are feeling better! (((Hugs)))
Last night I went to my first ever block party. Because we live in such a small town we don't have block parties because a new community center was recently built where we all get together, have dances, etc. so I have never had the chance to go to one. Marshall's dad invited us to his house for their block party. We had fun, drank some beer, the kids played with Marshall's nephews, they thought it was pretty cool to be able to play in the middle of the street. One guy there pulled out his guitar and started playing songs, everyone sang.....except for me, Marshall and his dad. I think I would have liked to sing but I didn't really know anyone so it felt a little strange. Maybe if I would have had more beer. lol

As we left Marshall's dad's house about 10:30pm I remembered that Danielle has a bday party to go to today and I had (once again) forgotten to buy a gift. So we went to Wal-Mart and found some cute stuff. Brittany bought herself a new pair of roller blades. She's been saving her money. She has a really nice pair. Now she wishes that she was the one going to a party today because it's a skating party. I am letting her skate in the kitchen because it's too hot outside to skate outside today. My mom would never have let us skate in the house, she would have completely freaked. We have ceramic tile, if she marks it's easy to clean up. No big deal.

Today my sister and I are taking the kids to see a play called Chocolate. The play is being put on by the Trollwood Performing Arts School. They always have great performances. This is something Brittany really wants to get involved with but you have to be in the sixth grade to participate. I'll have to check into it for next year.

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

I almost forgot! Thank you so much Eden for my sweet gift.
They are adorable! Still no candles though.....I"ll let you know when I get them. :-)
Just for those of you who might be wondering, the meeting last night regarding Cassandra was cancelled. My stepdad had to work late and my mom was not feeling well. We all still plan to do everything we can to get her, but like I said, it's hard for me to think about it right now because so many factors could keep that from happening.

I'll keep ya posted :-) Working on updates on my other's giving me major headaches!

Monday, August 06, 2001

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. No new news on Cassandra yet. Tonight Marshall and I are meeting with my mom and stepdad and discuss the best possible way to go about doing this. I am so nervous. I don't even want to think about getting her until I know for sure what is going on. There are so many things right now that must fall into place before I can even think about what to do next so for now I am sitting on pins and needles.

OMG, with everything on my mind I forgot to post about what happened Friday! lol We had just ate dinner and we were watching tv when I heard a knock at the door. I was expecting my mom so I assumed it was her. A uniformed sherrif was at the door and asked for John. I am so shocked to see a policman at my door I say "Who?" John is Marshall's first name but he goes by Marshall since his dad is also John. The sheriff looks at me like I was stupid and said...." Is there a Marshall here?" My first instinct was to say no......I don't know why......but I am not a good liar anyway so I said yes. I called Marshall to the door and the sheriff asks him to step outside. I am totally freaking out. I go outside with them and the sheriff announces that he has a warrant for Marshall's arrest. Talk about freaking us both out! The guy explains that somehow Marshall had missed a court date for a child support review (while we were on vacation I think) and that put him in contempt which gives him an arrest warrant. Marshall was freaking out because he pays childsupport every month, how can he not? It comes right out of his check! Marshall tells the sheriff that he will set up another court date right away but that he can't afford to miss work (he had to work on Saturday). The sheriff tells him to come out to his car and he will see what he can do.

I sat on the front stairs as Marshall talked to the sheriff through the passenger side window of his car. At this point I am pretty sure that Marshall will not be arrested because if the sheriff really wanted to arrest him he wouldn't have discussed it at all. I watch in amusement as every car that drives by gawks at the sheriffs car in my drive way. Don't you just love living in a small town? lol To make things even better two of our limousines pull up and need to get into the shop but of course can't back in with the police car in the way. So of course that attracts even more attention as people are driving by. The sheriff finally pulled out of the way for the limo's to park and shortly after he left..........with out Marshall. Marshall was still freaking out at this point. He went straight across the street to the store and bought a pack of cigarettes. The sheriff was nice enough to write on his report that Marshall wasn't home and that he had spoke to me and left a message about the warrant. Talk about a really nice guy!

Guess what Marshall did first thing this morning? LOL ...... Yep, he set up a new court date for as soon as possible. I think the warrant is still in effect until he sees the judge so let's hope he doesn't get pulled over. :-) I swear, there is never a boring moment around here!

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