16 years ago
Saturday, April 28, 2001
Marshall and I have a date tonight which we desperately need. My mom is going to watch the kids so that we can get away from here. We are going to dinner and then we are going to meet some friends for drinks. Since Marshall is the designated driver I plan to get completely intoxicated. lol He keeps complaining that he never sees me drunk, he doesn't understand that when I get drunk I don't fall down and slur my words. Most people can't tell when I am drunk.......the one way to tell is for some reason I start hitting people. I don't mean punching them, I mean shoving them (Think Elaine on Seinfeld... Get Out! ). LOL......ask my mom how many times I accidently shoved her off her bar stool. hehe
Hello......if you heard any screaming, yelling, crashing or other signs of distress, please ignore them as they coudn't possibly have been me. I don't have a bit of temper......just ask Marshall. lol (Please excuse me as I dodge the bolt of lightening heading towards me as I tell such a blatent lie hehe)
Welcome to my new blog home. I will slowly, when I have the time, transfer my files from Geocities to here (Inferno Dezigns). I just have a feeling (with all the rumers going on) that my poor webpage will be homeless soon. I had a bit of a problem getting everything transfered but from here on out I am sure everything will be peaceful and calm. Nothing to worry about..........well except for this computer flying your way if it pisses me off again anytime soon. Don't worry, I'll tell you when to duck!
Welcome to my new blog home. I will slowly, when I have the time, transfer my files from Geocities to here (Inferno Dezigns). I just have a feeling (with all the rumers going on) that my poor webpage will be homeless soon. I had a bit of a problem getting everything transfered but from here on out I am sure everything will be peaceful and calm. Nothing to worry about..........well except for this computer flying your way if it pisses me off again anytime soon. Don't worry, I'll tell you when to duck!
Friday, April 27, 2001
Darn......is it Blogger........or is Geocities giving me fits again? I can't seem to get anything to post. By the way.......if you hear music on my site it's no thanks to Geocities........I uploaded my music files to my own server because as most of you have probably noticed Geocities doesn't seem to be supporting sound files anymore. I really have to move this site........but I have been here for so long **pout** it just wouldn't be the same anywhere else. I guess I can integrate this page with Inferno Dezigns but I just don't know if I want to....any ideas/suggestions? Help! LOL
After my browsing today (see previous post) I have fairies and dragons dancing in my head. I have decided that the kids and I are going to work on a fairy house. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Speaking of dragons.....Anthony is in big trouble. Marshall has (had) an unopened collector Tarot card set of dragons and guess who found it and decided to open it today? The cards are still okay but he ripped into the cases and tore them. That kid can tear apart an entire house in 5 seconds flat! I can already hear the phone calls I will be getting when he starts school! lol
Speaking of dragons.....Anthony is in big trouble. Marshall has (had) an unopened collector Tarot card set of dragons and guess who found it and decided to open it today? The cards are still okay but he ripped into the cases and tore them. That kid can tear apart an entire house in 5 seconds flat! I can already hear the phone calls I will be getting when he starts school! lol
OMG......how could I have been on the internet for as long as I have been and never have found this page?! I am simply enchanted! If you have any appreciation of art you will be amazed as I have been with this incredible compilation of talent. The art is fantasy art - dragons, fairies, elves.....I am completely in love!
WARNING: Any of you who have a problem with the human body in it's original form (without clothing) will probably want to skip this site....... I wouldn't want to offend any particular group and/or person......and before you send me any letters....(YES - I do find this art family friendly and NO - I do not find the naked body in the form of art to be offensive) ...with that said...
WARNING: Any of you who have a problem with the human body in it's original form (without clothing) will probably want to skip this site....... I wouldn't want to offend any particular group and/or person......and before you send me any letters....(YES - I do find this art family friendly and NO - I do not find the naked body in the form of art to be offensive) ...with that said...
©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law | Here are a few of my favorites: Which can all be found at Elfwood Stephanie Pui-Mun Law Linda Bergkvist Joseph Barnhard Richard Thomas Lankes Jose M. Rodriguez Ursula Vernon Elisabeth Mitchell Janet J.E. Chui Thomas F. Abrahamsson Founder of Elfwood |
Tuesday, April 24, 2001
Did I tell you we had snow this weekend? The worst part is that my family blames it on me! Friday night we went to rent movies and the shopping center where the video store is at had these beautiful trees covered in gold lights. I said how pretty they were and that I was ready for snow and Christmas time to be here. Everyone got mad at me for even saying it and then when we woke up falling snow on Sunday they all of course blamed it on me! As if I could cause it to snow! lol
Well......for those of you wondering about our house. We did not get it. The moron decided to sell if to someone else AFTER we had the downpayment together! Sheesh..... I was so pissed off. Not that he sold it to someone else because he had someone willing to pay cash for it so in that regard I can't blame him BUT he told us that the house was ours as soon as we had the downpayment and on the day we had arranged to go see him he was suddenly not around. He didn't return our calls but just kept putting us off via his teenage son. After three days of not being able to find him we finally find out again through his teenage son that the house was sold. I have never seen Marshall so mad, the worst part was when the guy called back and lied that he had been trying to reach us. Marshall's cell phone has caller id and the guy never called, when Marshall pointed this out the guy quickly says that he called us on our home number......funny how he could have done that because we never gave it to him and our number is not listed. After a few hours of being upset I realized that it just wasn't meant to be. First of all the town was a long drive from here which of course Marshall would have to do every day to get to work plus all traveling was on a two lane highway which would NOT be fun in the middle of a blizzard......lol.....as you can see I talked myself out of wanting it which under the circumstances is the best I can do. We are still looking but houses that we can afford esp. with our not so wonderful credit are few and far between.
Sunday, April 22, 2001
Part Three - The Restaurant: I was mooned! I have never in my life been mooned.......well not by someone I didn't know at least! lol After we left the hospital (see Part Two below) Marshall and I both decide to go grab something to eat. Neither one of us had eaten dinner and since we were both starting to wake up we decided to stop at a 24 hour diner not far from the hospital. We are seated at a booth and we had just got done ordering when a large group of teenagers started walking in........they kept coming and coming. The filled up the entire back section and it was so loud we had to practically shout to hear each other. Marshall remembered that it was a prom night and most of these kids had probably came from a post prom party. (At this time it is 2:00 am) We are eating our food when I glanced up and seen this kid leap through the air and fall on his back. I still have no idea what in the hell he was trying to do but his friends all thought it was funny. They kept urging him to do it again. I watched in fascination as he put a chair in the middle of the aisle and went to the opposite side to take a running leap. Just as he was about to run the manager came by so the kid sat down at the table closest to him. An older guy was sitting there eating by himself and they start talking like they are old friends. Marshall meanwhile is oblivious to the whole thing because his back is facing the kids. The waitress goes to the table where this kids friends are and starts to take their order. Next thing I know the guy is running down the aisle, jumps on the chair and goes flying through the air, sails past the waitresses head and lands on his back with a loud crash on the top of the table. The poor waitress freaked out and ran away. She had no clue what was going on. He sat down as all his friends screamed and clapped and the manager comes out. The manager is a younger guy and took it all in good stride. He just told the kid to stay seated or he was gonna get strapped in a highchair. I have been at many different restaurants, my friends used to go out and eat and at times would get sorta wild but NEVER did we do anything like that! Marshall and I are finishing up our coffee and trying to have a conversation in the midst of all the noise when I notice a young guy walking past me. He is walking kinda strange and I notice his pants are sagging down below his butt and his sweatshirt is pulled down low. He makes eye contact with me, smiles, walks past Marshall and soon as he is in my line of vision he pulls up his sweatshirt and moons me! His whole entire white ass is sticking out! Then he turns around to make sure I saw and smiled at me! I just sat there speechless and Marshall has no idea what happened. I just started laughing....it was pretty funny. So on that note we went home and I was finally able to go to bed! So........how was your Friday?
Part Two - The Hospital: After the movie Marshall thinks it would a wonderful idea to go out for some coffee and pie. I reply that there is not a chance in hell that I am taking "Your Son" in public again until he is at least 18. All I want to do is go home, put on my pajamas and relax. So we come home, Marshall makes popcorn so I can watch a movie.......(lol maybe we should have just done that in the first place?!)..... I check my email and respond to a few while Marshall puts Anthony to bed. I give a sigh of relief......finally I can just relax. Think again! There is a knock on the door and Marshall answers it. It is my stepsister. One of our limo drivers has a wife who is pregnant and she is due on May 11th. Tim (the husband/limo driver) is at the Shooting Star Casino, in Mahnomen, on a run and Stacy (the wife/pregnant one) has been sick all day. She calls the hospital and they tell her to come in. Problem? There is no way to get her there so she does what any rational pregnant women would do. Call her husband on his cell phone and bitch him out for not being there when she needed him. I think under the circumstances she did well. :-) So Tim calls my stepsister and says he needs help getting her to the hospital. Well Jenny (stepsister) has just had two weeks of major hell in that very same hospital watching her infant nephew pass away from complications during his birth. She was in tears because she couldn't even think of going back. She agreed to keep an eye on my kids and me and Marshall went into town to pick up Stacy a woman we have never met. We get to her apartment and the poor thing looked just miserable. We drive her to the hospital and sit in an emergency room with several weird and strange looking people, mean while Jenny had found someone to drive to Mahnomen and cover for Tim so he was in route back to Fargo (an hour+ drive). We promised to stay with her until he arrived. I felt so bad for her, they wheel her up to the maternity ward to moniter the baby, the baby is fine so they wheel her back down to the emergency room to hook her up to IV's and give her liquids because she was so dehydrated. Tim showed up about 12:45 just as they were getting ready to hook her up to the IV's. Shortly after we left them both at the hospital happy that we could help out. Finally....... I could go home and go to bed right? Nope.......the night wasn't over yet! Stay tuned for part three. :-)
Part One - The Theater: Yesterday was an extremely bizarre day! It started out as most Saturdays do, quiet with the kids watching cartoons. Marshall had to work yesterday so we all waited for him to come home because we were supposed to go look at that house again. He SAID he'd be home between 2 or 3. I took that to mean 3:30 - 4:30 because when it comes to work he is NEVER home when he is supposed to be home.....there is always one more thing to do, one last thing to finish up. Hey, I met him at work, I understand that side of him even if it does drive me nuts. Well, I waited and waited and waited.....no call and no Marshall. I got sick of waiting so I took the kids into town and we went to McDonalds. He finally calls me at 5:30....and of course I yell, he apologizes. I say I am not going home I've been stuck there all day so he comes into town to meet us. I have the brilliant idea of going to a movie, which sounded a like a good idea at the time, but of course I was forgetting one small thing. Anthony! lol Well, we were late for the movie so that should have been the first sign to go home but nooooo....I want to see a movie. I had already seen Chocolat but Brittany wanted to see it and I knew Marshall would like it so I figured that was a good choice that way I could explain the parts they had missed. The first 15 minutes were great. Anthony sat on Marshall's lap mesmerized by the screen eating buttered popcorn. Then he just decided.....that was fun......now what? He decides he wants to stand up by the seats. Keep in mind that the theater was fairly empty and we were way in back with an empty row in front of us and only two people behind us. So I let him stand up.....he wasn't bothering any one.....except for me! lol I couldn't relax. I am one of those people who just freaks if people don't control their kids. I pride myself that I have taken my daughters to restaurants and people would come up to me and tell me how well behaved they are..... I pride myself on the fact that I have taken my daughters on airplanes and have had people come up to me after the flight and thank me again and again because they were so good. Since I have had Anthony I have not had that happen since! lol Go figure?! Well, when my little "angel" discovered the red lights on the stairs we had walked up I knew he wouldn't be happy until he was walking up and down them so I decided to take him out to the lobby for a bit. As we are walking down the stairs he decides that we need to converse. "Mommy? Mommmmmyyy?" And like an idiot I try to hush a two year old. So I walk him down the stairs and he decides it's time to count. "Five, Twwwwooo, Eight, Nine" I was waiting for someone to throw popcorn at us. Because I had already seen the movie I didn't mind letting Marshall enjoy it, especially since he hardly ever gets to movies while I go all the time. So I played pinball and chased after Anthony until he wore me out and we waited in the car. I sat there wondering where my life has went? It was a Friday night and I was on a date from hell with a two year old! But of course when he smacked me on the cheek with his sticky, licorice coated lips all was forgiven! :-) Okay.......well that was part one. I need some coffee and I'll be back in a bit to fill you in on the rest.
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