Like everyone else I was tagged on Facebook to write 25 Random Things about myself which is harder than it sounds! After all that work I figured I would share them here as well. My posts lately have been on the sad, serious side and figured it could use some lightening up. If you have a 25 Random Things floating around somewhere please comment so that I can read yours as well.
25. I love to fill out random surveys and questionnaires...I know everyone is most likely sick of them and most likely don't even read them but I can't help's an impulse I can't seem to control.
24. I sometimes write letters to my deceased husband on MySpace because publishing it online makes me feel like he can somehow read it.
23. I am a sucker for new household cleaning products, as soon as I see something new I have to buy it despite the fact that I hate cleaning house.
22. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness which meant no birthdays or holidays, when my parents left the church I had my very first birthday party at 16.
21. I have stacks of greeting cards that I have purchased for people that have never been filled out or sent out and when an event comes up I never use those cards I always buy new ones that don't get sent to add to the pile.
20. I have had the same online blog since November 1, 2000.
19. My favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry's Phish food which my kids know when purchased, which is rarely, to not even ask for a bite because I won't share.
18. I apparently failed the number one lesson in kindergarten... see #19 ... because I HATE to share.
17. I prefer hard liquor over beer although will occasionally drink wine and I would never drink anything frozen that has a cute little umbrella in it... the only exception being of course margaritas (minus the umbrella).
16. When I was 15 I worked at a Chinese restaurant and was shocked to see Cindy Crawford (my idol at the time) eating there, I was too embarrassed to ask her for an autograph but was beyond excited when she asked me to go outside with her and her friends and take their picture in front of the building.. which thinking about it now was weird cause it was an ugly building not to mention we were in Cheyenne, Wyoming!?
15. I have always dreamed about writing a book but have never attempted it because I am scared to death that it would suck and no one would read it, well except my mom and grandmother but that doesn't count!
14. I hate cartoons...all of them... even the Disney ones.
13. I love PostSecret and have a few secrets that I would never share here that maybe someday I will mail to them.
12. I play on my 4yr old's Webkinz account "because she is too young" but I think when she is old enough to play on her own I will still play on her account.
11. I will be getting my first (and probably only) tattoo on July 4th in memory of my husband which is also our wedding anniversary.
10. I hate that facebook doesn't have spell check and often copy/paste my notes/messages to Word so that I can check the spelling before I post.
9. I have watched just about every episode of Charmed & Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
8. When I was a preschooler my dad would take me rabbit hunting in the Colorado mountains, once he left me to sit and wait for him while he hiked an area that would be too hard for me and when he came back I was having a tea party with the dead rabbits.
7. I have been in love with George Michael since his WHAM days and I still refuse to believe that he is gay.
6. I can't sing to save my life and am always amazed by my daughters' beautiful singing voices cause I have no idea where they got that talent from.
5. When my daughters were in girl scouts I didn't even attempt to sew their badges on their vests/sashes instead I just hot glued them into place.
4. I don't really love to scrapbook, too messy and time consuming, but I have sometimes put it down as a hobby in profiles because I can't think of anything else.
3. I am fascinated with all things Irish which is strange considering I am Hispanic and sometimes wish my husbands last name would have been O'Sullivan instead of just Sullivan.
2. I still enjoy coloring in coloring books and playing with play-dough and find those things to be my favorite part of running a home daycare.
1. I have the horrible habit of leaving the cupboard doors open when I am in the kitchen...something that drove both of my husbands insane.
16 years ago