Saturday, June 30, 2001

Why is it that the more I clean the more I find to clean? Why is it that I didn't inherit the neat-freak cleaning gene from my mother's side of the family?! Not only did I not inherit it but my children didn't either. I have been working on getting my house in order and all I have seemed to do is make more of a mess. I have stuff pulled out of closets, piles of clothes waiting to be sorted, boxes of stuff that needs to be thrown out. It looks as if my house has exploded. Now of course there is company in town and I have to figure out a way to get my house looking somewhat clean so that I can rush them in, show them my house, and then rush them back out to sit on the patio.


There I said it. I feel guilty for saying it but I think it needed to be said! lol Why do I feel so guilty? Maybe because I have a grandmother who raised 7 children in one house and you would NEVER find a speck of dust much less a junk drawer anywhere in the vicinity of her house. She would freak out if she saw my house. Dust is the least of my worries right now. When I first found these I thought all of my problems were solved. I figured that if I bought enough of them I would suddenly be more organized and my house would never be a mess. Imagine my surprise when the damn things seemed to just bring more clutter to my house! I have such a hard time throwing shit away, my sister came to help me organize the kids rooms and I know she left here pulling her hair out because for every three things she put in the garbage I pulled one thing out. I'm sorry I have an emotional attachment to my junk! As Marshall's dad would say..... "It's good junk"

So I guess I should get off of the damn computer and try to narrow down my selection of good junk. Wish me luck and if all else fails I can dim all of the lights when I give my relatives a tour of my house. hehe

Graphic by Cute Colors

Friday, June 29, 2001

Today Gilly arrives! I am so excited to see him. My mom's brother and sisters will also be arriving from California today and tomorrow. Brittany and Danielle will be home on Monday, July 2nd. They called me last night. They were here getting hamburgers, I am so jealous! When I moved to California many years ago, I was 16, that was the first meal I had. My uncle Tim took me there in his yellow Z-28. No other burger has ever tasted as good.

So far the girls have also called me from here and here on their dad's cell phone. I wish they would call me from his house becaused that damn phone is always cutting out but at least I was able to talk to them. They are both having lots of fun but are looking forward to coming home.

I get my new patio furniture today!! I am so excited. I have had it on layaway since last week which is a good thing because they are now sold out. I got the 7 piece set but I didn't get the umbrella but I can always get that later. The swingset still isn't done. Marshall has been in the shop for the last week trying to get the airconditioners in the limos to work properly. I say that in this weather nothing is going to cool. Well, I'm off to water flowers outside and get my deck ready for my furniture. Stop by and join me for margaritas later. hehe

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Happy, Cosmic, Ecstatic, Alive?
Feel anyway you please. *

Whatever, Blah, Unsure, Bored?:
Feel anyway you please. *

Sad, Crushed, Blue, Depressed?
Feel anyway you please. *

Angry, Mean, Frustrated, Pissed?
Feel anyway you please. *

I think I need all of these mugs! lol
I think you do too! I hope you reconsider your blog because I am going to miss you! You have the right to feel any damn way you please! :-) Just know that I am always here for you! And damn, do you mean to tell me that I'm not the only online person you know and talk to? Talk about bursting my bubble! ROFLMAO!
My life has never been more wonderful.... I am in love with someone who loves me completely, I have three wonderful children, for the most part I am content and happy. Yet there are other aspects in my life that seem to be smothering me. Let's just say there are many issues. Some of them aren't really worth the aspirin it takes to get rid of the headaches they at times give me. Some of them need some time before I figure out how to deal with them. For the most part I know that I just need time to work it all out in my head. I am not purposely talking in riddles, I guess I just know that to vent about them right now would be counter productive to myself.

So for that reason I have decided to refrain from any bitching (damn that's so hard to do! lol) and I'll just copy Laura and Amy who got it from here. Isn't it funny how these things kinda spread? I always wanted to do the 10 things/1 false statements but by the time I thought of 9 interesting facts about myself and 1 fact that was a lie but could be true I realized how many people were doing it and it just seemed obsolete. are 7 things on my desk
(Just for the record, my desk is a mess and there are a bit more than just seven things on it right now, I could probably do a 50 things on my desk list, but I will pick out the most interesting ones. lol)
1) Harry Potter desk calendar
2) Coffee cup with fresh coffee thanks to my sweetie :-)
3) Photographs that have been or will soon be scanned
4) See'n Say toy (compliments of Anthony)
5) Winnie the Pooh Band-Aids
6) Child support papers that wrongly has me paying child support to my ex. (Still to be resolved.)
7) Stuffed alien from here


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