The place we are renting has less space but I really like it. I'll take pictures as soon as we are settled in. We just kind of made the decision to move at the last minute because as sick as Anthony and I have been we all think it is the house that is keeping us from getting better. The two of us spend the most time in this house and we are the most sick. We are both still not completely better so we are anxious to get out of here and see if that helps. I'll keep ya posted. :-)
I plan to keep the girls in their same school, I will just drive them back and forth from town. Next year Brittany will go to the same middle school as she would have if we didn't move because we are in the same school district but Danielle will have to switch schools. She is a little nervous about it but she will do fine. She always makes friends easily. In two years she will start the middle school and she will have all of her new friends plus all of her old friends.
We got the girls school pictures back last week, didn't they come out cute? :-)

Well, I have a ton of packing and cleaning to do. We get our keys for the new place on Monday. I am hoping to get most of the stuff moved over during the week in small loads while everyone is at work/school so that by the weekend John and I can move all of the heavy furniture and stuff. The only thing I am worried about is the piano. I think we might have to hire someone to move it for us. I do love moving though. It is so much fun to pack up all my treasures and find a new home for them. :-) The other benefit is that I am getting rid of a lot of crap that we don't need.
My kids are all packrats. I have to throw stuff out when they aren't home because they want to save EVERYTHING! The bedrooms are smaller in the new place so I have to be selective as to what we take. The girls will still have to share a bedroom. It is almost impossible to find a 4 bedroom to rent around here that wouldn't kill our budget! The nice thing about this place is that there is a basement which we can paint and fix anyway we want to and the kids are excited to turn it into a playroom. I also have a laundry room down there which is nice because most of the places we looked at had no laundry or you had to share coin operated machines. It is amazing how some people can get away with renting complete garbage! One place we went to see I opened my door and stepped on an empty vodka bottle! I was I DON'T think so! lol
After we found the townhome I was surprised to find out that Nathan (limo driver) and his wife live a few doors down! I talked to his wife and she really likes it there. They are both a fun couple and they have kids close in age to mine so I am excited to introduce our kids. OMG I don't post in forever and now I can't shut up! ROFL I do have one of those funny stories that could only happen to us which I of course have to share! So I will apologize for the extremely long post in advance. :-)
Last Thursday John and I went to sign the rental agreement for the townhouse. I had already seen the inside but John hadn't. He's a typical guy, if I like it he likes it as long as he has a garage! hehe Anyway, after signing the paperwork I asked if the rental agent could take us through it again so that John could see it. It was only a few blocks away so she drove in her own vehicle, John followed behind her in the used truck he had just purchased from work, and Anthony and I followed behind in our van. Before I could pull out a police car pulled between John and I. For the entire drive over there is a caravan of all four of our vehicles. The rental agent pulled into the parking lot, followed by John and I assumed that the police officer would keep going straight. He did not.
He pulled right behind John and before I could blink he was out of his car with his gun drawn! I stopped in the middle of the road frozen in fear. What in the hell was going on. I really don't remember what happened but the next thing I knew John was in handcuffs. John who usually looks likes this tough biker, looks ten times scarier when he is in his work clothes. I got out of my van to see what was going on and was informed that my husband was driving a stolen vehicle! I quickly explained that my husband had just bought the truck from his boss who sells used vehicles and offered to call over there to get it all cleared up. He refused to listen to me and the next thing I know there is another squad car along with a detective who took my drivers license. Now remember that all of this is happening in front of our rental agent and Anthony! I was freaking out. I called my mom and then my stepdad because at this time they had John still handcuffed in the back of the squad car. I finally got John's boss on the phone and made the police officer talk to him. Even then the officer didn't seem too impressed and even hung up on him! I was starting to get pissed! Finally they let John go but they had to impound the truck.
Here is what happened. The truck had been stolen and the original owners reported it to their insurance company. When the truck wasn't recovered after a certain time period the insurance company paid the owners for the value of their truck. Some time after that the truck was found on an Indian reservation and when the owners were contacted they returned it to the insurance company who were now the owners since they had already paid for the truck. To recover their money they sold it an an auction where it was purchased by John's boss who buys used vehicles who then sold it to John. The insurance company is supposed to file a report with the police department where it was reported stolen which they said they did.
Somewhere along the line the truck was never taken off of the stolen list and in a small county in Minnesota some dumbass sheriff (with obviously too little time on his hands!) insisted that the truck was stolen even AFTER it was explained to him by the police here what had happened. He didn't care and he still wanted John to be charged with being in possession of stolen property! Can you believe that shit?! It took some convincing but thankfully the officer who originally pulled his gun on John felt so bad about the whole thing argued with this sherrif until he agreed to let it go. John still had to pay to pay for the towing fees and to get the truck out of impound so now he is fighting with the insurance company because they should be the ones paying it not us. Since they knew it had been stolen they should have double checked that everything was clear BEFORE they sold it! Poor John was a mess all night. He was still freaking out about the gun thing when we went to bed that night. The only thing I am thankful for is that Anthony was in the van with me and he didn't see anything that had happened. He almost rode in the truck with John but at the last minute I decided to put him in the van! I was sure that the rental agent would NOT want to rent to us but she was very understanding and after they finally took John out of the handcuffs she showed gave us a tour! ROFL I seriously doubt if this would have happened to anyone but us! hehe
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