::First grade teacher's name:: Miss Barber from what I remember she was very young and very pretty. She was the nicest teacher I could have asked for but when I got into 1st grade I remember waving to her in the hallway and she ignored me. I was devastated.
::Last word you said:: Bed! As in "GO TO BED NOW!" said for the 3rd time tonight. Not to John! ROFL I was talking to the kids! hehe
::Last song you sang:: I'm Squeezed in the middle.....smack dab.....down the middle.... I can't get this damn jingle for Chips Ahoy CremeWiches out of my head! I wake up to this song playing in my head! It's very pathetic.
::Last thing you laughed at:: Anthony singing his version of "Jingle Bells" to his sisters.
::Last time you cried:: I think it was yesterday.
::What's in your cd player:: Eminem
::What color socks are you wearing:: None, until there is snow on the ground I plan on being barefoot
::What's under your bed:: A plastic storage box filled with books
::What time did you wake up today:: I woke up at 8am with a phone call from Bill saying that Bridal Fantasy had lost my ad.
::Where do you want to go:: Ireland
::What is your career going to be:: I'm not sure, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up
::Where are you going to live:: Alaska or maybe a cute little farmhouse in Wisconsin
::How many kids do you want:: The three that I have right now are more than enough
::What kind of car will you have:: A convertible '65 Mustang
::Current hair:: Newly cut and colored thanks to Larry, at this moment it is pulled back in a clip
::Current clothes:: Shorts and a black t-shirt of John's that says "Alcatraz Psycho Ward Outpatient"
::Current annoyance:: This damn popcorn kernel I can't get wedged out from between my teeth and of course the floss is missing!
::Current smell:: A yummy grubby candle made by Missy
::Current longing:: For my brother who is in the Navy and on his way to the Middle East to be safe and home as soon as possible
::Current desktop picture:: A cute wallpaper found at Irene's
::Current favorite artist: For country graphics it would be Ollie and for my all time favorite artist it would be Thomas Kinkade
::Current book: The Matter of Grace by Jessica Barksdale Inclan
::Current worry:: Talking to the girls dad in a thoughtful way that won't make the matter worse but will still give him a good kick in the ass which he really needs!
::Current time-wasting wish:: At least one more hot summer day so that we can take the girls tubing on the Otter Tail River
::Current hate:: My nails, I need a manicure they look like crap.
::Current favorite article of clothing:: A cute pair of hip hugging jeans I bought to wear for my bachelorette party
::Current favorite word:: Can't say that I have one although "bitch" seems to pop up often.
::One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:: My grandfather
::One person you wish was here right now:: Missy
::A line from the last thing you wrote to someone:: "Attached please find the ad that you lost..." in a not very happy email sent this morning. See question above as to what time I woke up today.
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