We went shopping for school supplies last night. The girls are almost home and I was going to wait until they got here but we were in Target and I actually found their school supply list there! You know how they post all of the local school supply lists right in front of all the school stuff? Every year I look for a list for our small town school and every year it is never there. There are lists for every small town in the area but ours is always missing. It was always annoyed me. So, when I saw it there last night I was so excited I just had to shop! ROFL It seems like these lists get longer every year although Brittany didn't seem to need much. She didn't even have crayons on her list! That really bothered me. She is going into 6th grade not high school. I am not ready for crayons to not be on her list! So of course I bought her a box anyway. lol I found an awesome Tony Hawk notebook so I had to buy it for John's nephew. The weird thing on Brittany's list is that she needed 5 bottles of glue! 2 tacky glues, 2 rubber cement jars, and 1 huge glue stick. What in the hell are they going to be doing with all that glue?! Another weird supply is baggies. I had to buy snack size, sandwich size and gallon size bags. This is the third year or so they've been on the list and I STILL have no idea what they use them for. Of course the whole time we are shopping John is loudly muttering that when HE went to school all he needed was one pencil and one notebook. He had all of the mom's laughing. Where were the dad's? I have no idea. There were only mom's there. They must have been smart and left their husband's at home so they didn't have to listen to the same muttering! ROFL
We didn't get to watch the fireworks for the pyrotechnic convention because we had a huge rain storm. They rescheduled it for tonight but guess where I will be? An hour and a half away at the casino on a limo run. Oh well, they usually come every other year so hopefully I'll be able to see it next time.
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