Saturday, July 13, 2002

Last night we took the kids here to eat. It was so much fun. Anthony loved it. Except for I bought him a blue slushy drink and he drank it way too fast and he sat there shaking like a leaf with blue lips. The inside of the restaurant is so cool. They have space alien stuff everywhere and the food is also very good. Of course the kids love the video games best. Brittany won a 400 ticket jackpot so she was of course very excited, Danielle on the other hand said that she was "jipped" with only 100 tickets. Anthony won three tickets and was very happy! ROFL

Earlier in the day I had taken them out to visit the new friends we made while Brittany was in her acting workshop. I think I blogged about the woman with the foster children. She gave us her address and invited us out to her farm to visit. We had so much fun. The kids loved seeing all of the animals they got to pet the horses, goats, cows, kitties and puppy, they also had a llama, pig, turkeys, geese (mean nasty creatures!), and ducks. Also on her farm she has this cute little play house for the kids. It is decorated with old country/victorian furniture. It is so adorable. There are racks of old dress up clothes for the girls with tons of jewelry, make up and hats. There is a sitting area with victorian style couches and a kitchen area with an old fashioned stove and tables draped in gorgeous floor length table cloths. There is an antique hutch filled with dishes for tea parties and a working fridge stocked with popsicles and juice. She keeps it air conditioned and has a fan blowing so that the girls can play in it no matter how hot it is. I just wanted to move right in! If her doll house was like that I am sure you can imagine how beautiful her real house is! It was also gorgeous and we enjoyed a long visit in her cozy kitchen while the kids all played together.

Next week she is hosting a petting zoo/party for a head start program for the children of migrant workers in this area. She has done this for a few years, they give the kids pony rides on her miniature horses, do a petting zoo, hay ride, face painting, it sounds like a huge event. She donates all of her time and also provides drinks and snacks. The whole thing sounded so cool, I of course offered to help. She was excited to have an extra hand to help out so I will be out there Tuesday and Thursday. It will be nice to have something to keep me busy right after the girls leave because that is always a hard week for me.

The girls' dad will be here tomorrow :-( I am always happy for them because I know how much they miss him and I know they will have so much fun, but once they are gone I cry like crazy and feel sorry for myself. At least now I have Anthony, it was really hard before I had him and I was childless for most of the summer. Right now the girls are cleaning their room and John is working on limo's. Once they are done we are going into town. We are going to take them here to play miniature golf and ride GoKarts. Later tonight the girls are going to have a sleepover with their best friends while I try to pack all of their stuff. We still haven't taken our honeymoon, we are hoping to get away in a few weeks. We are planning on leaving July 26th. I still can't get used to signing my name as Sullivan and John keeps asking me if I feel married. What in the world does married feel like? We have been together so long I can't pinpoint any thing that has changed other than my name. Maybe after the honeymoon I will feel married! LOL

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