Friday, June 21, 2002

Well, I hate to follow the crowd, but this really looks like fun so here is my very first Friday Five. Besides, I didn't get home until after midnight and I am too exhausted to come up with my own witty and original comments. We planted more flowers at my mom's house in all of her planters etc, (for the wedding of course) they look gorgeous. I am so stressed out right now, I have no idea how many people are coming to the wedding because there are some who I know are coming and those that I have no idea about and out of the two groups not very many people have sent back those stupid response cards. You know, those cute little cards that are included with the invitation and are pre-addressed and stamped. Sheesh, how freakin' hard is it to write your name, check the box and put it in a mail box?? Okay, so anyway, here is my FF...

1. Do you live in a house, an apartment or a condo? We live in a house that has been turned into a duplex.

2. Do you rent or own? We rent, the house is owned by mom and stepdad and we rent from them. (my step-sister lives in the other half, which makes for some interesting family arguments lol)

3. Does anyone else live with you? Let's see, my fiance, 3 children, 1 cat and 5 kittens, on the other part of the duplex lives my stepsister, her husband and their 3 children. Thank goodness this is a large house!

4. How many times have you moved in your life? Hmmm...I've lived in Wyoming, Colorado, California and now North Dakota... I'd say in my adult life (I couldn't count how many times I moved as a kid, my dad is an IronWorker and we moved a lot) I've moved about 7 times.

5. What are your plans for this weekend? Nothing but wedding stuff. Only 12 days left and I have way too much shit to do! Hopefully I can squeeze in a little alone time with John and go to a movie or something. Okay, so I completely forgot, this weekend is John's family reunion so I guess we will doing that on Saturday and Sunday will be spent on finishing up wedding details. Have I told you how sweet John's dad is? When this reunion was being planned he was contacted for family information to add to the family tree and he not only included me but he included all three of the kids! Isn't that sweet? I was so surprised and of course very touched. I guess that means we HAVE to get married huh? lol

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